Ensenada is the head of the municipality of the same name, in the Mexican state of Baja California. The city is located approximately 110 km (75 miles) from the Mexico-U.S. border, facing the Pacific Ocean and was founded by Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo. Ensenada was the capital of Baja California from 1882 to 1915, when the capital was moved to Mexicali.
“In the municipality, the municipal headwaters have an area of approximately 309 km2 and the urban area of the city of Ensenada has only 61,0742 km2, where 65.7% of the total population of the municipality is concentrated.”.
The visualization shows the distribution of the means of transport to work used by the population of Ensenada in 2015 according to travel times.
45.3% of the population uses a own vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle) as the main means of transportation, while 13.6% of the population uses labor transportation.
The most used means of transport are own vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle) and bus, taxi, or similar.
The population that takes up to 15 minutes to get to work prefers own vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle), while people who take more than 2 hours to commute use own vehicle (car, truck or motorcycle).
Average Quarterly Total Current Income per Household: $59.2k MX
Average Quarterly Current Income in 2018: $156k MX
Difference Between Decile I and X in 2018
The data presented is available to Baja California’s state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.The visualization shows the total average quarterly current income per household in deciles of households in Baja California comparing 2016 and 2018.
In Baja California, 10% of the lowest income households (first decile) had an average quarterly income of $14.3k MX in 2018, while the 10% of households with the highest income (tenth decile) had an average quarterly income of $170k MX in the same period.
Data provided by Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH).
Literacy Studies for Adults: 138,181
Students Enrolled in 2020: 2,901
Literate Students in 2020
*The data presented is available to Baja California’s state, since there is no representation at the municipality level.
In 2020 Baja California had 20.1k students enrolled in entry-level literacy courses, 27k students enrolled at intermediate level and 91.1k students enrolled at the advanced level.
In Ensenada, the institutions that concentrated the highest number of students in 2020 were Universidad Autónoma De Baja California (23.5k), Instituto Tecnológico De Ensenada (5.2k), and Centro De Estudios Universitarios Xochicalco (3.15k).
The same year, the most demanded careers in Ensenada were Law degree (4.07k), Degree in psychology (2.72k), and Industrial engineering (2.44k).